Hey Bloggers,
On Thursday 9th August 2018, Parekowhai class had a assembly.We performed a amazing assembly at Hay park school, Parekowhai class also shared their learning with the whole school. We also hosted the assembly and showed our wonderful dance move, we danced to a song called wake up. We do assembly to celebrate people who get awards or to celebrate our learning with others. The people who was watching was the whole school and some parents. And we started our assembly at 9am 2018.
Firstly we started off our assembly with the National anthem with the school. The after the National anthem we asked a teacher called Mrs rai to wake up everyone up with a song called the wake up song. Then after we sang the wake up song I talked about something we worked hard on for the last past few weeks and we talked about blogging. After that Kanishka also talked about blogging, she explained what blogging is a place for. Kanishka said that blogging is a place of fun where we share our learning. Ina also talked about blogging did you know some people in my class also blogged about them being bored at home. Then Mandita was reading her writing about her best friend Ina coming to her house in the holidays, then Simon Summarising his kiwi kids news article about a dog that can do CPR.
After that I talked about what we did in week 1 so when we came back from the school holidays we talked about our bad habits. So Rhia and Gloria talked about their bad habits. Gloria´s bad habit was that she stays up to late and Rhia´s bad habits was that she bits her nails. Then after Rhia and Gloria finished taking about their bad habits , Fehi was talking about what we did on Cook Island language week. So what did we for Cook Island language week was that we did some act work with our Principal Ms campbell. So when Ina finished talked about Cook Island language week, Fehi asked our Principal if she could kindly present the class awards for term 3. Then Ina ask who likes Youtube? Then I said WE DO TOO, but have you noticed that there are a LOT of rubbish videos of there and itÅ› sometimes hard to find a interesting, useful video, then fehi said until now it we made it our mission to shift thought the bad things and locate content that is not education but also fascinating.
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